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Bohr's Blog

How The Pride of Central came to be - and how you can finish your first novel.

Changing Seasons

Seasons changing can be beautiful. But seasons changing can also be difficult. This applies to any kind of season. When summer changed to...

Looking Past Your Labels

Everybody gets labelled. Some labels sound nice, some sound ugly, and others just sound like a matter of fact. "He's smart." "She's...

Fading to Black

There are certain subjects that can make an author, especially a new author, a little squeamish to write about. It won't be the same...

I'm Even Different From Myself

The differences from one batter's hitting stance to another's can be subtle. His feet could just be slightly more open or more closed....

A Writer's Greatest Joy

What makes a writer happy? Is it getting that next big idea? Finishing a manuscript? Holding a newly printed copy of his or her first...

The Difference I Couldn't See

Sometimes you need to relearn your own lessons. Months ago, I posted blogs about how different authors approach their works differently....

Can It Happen Again?

September 2016: For the first time, I sit down and actually start typing the story that is now The Pride of Central. An entirely new...

Water Makes All the Boats Rise

Anyone who has read The Pride of Central or who has followed this blog knows that I like to use baseball as an allegory for many things....

What If I'm Not As Good As I Should Be?

As a sports fan, there is an unfortunate truth I have learned: somebody has to be in last place. Last place in the division. Last place...

You've Heard It, Now Say It

Last week, I posted a blog about how important it is to believe the compliments you receive. Just as food fuels the body, encouragement...

Not everyone is being nice

Taking criticism can be hard. There is little fun to be found in having your mistakes and shortcomings pointed out to you. However, it...

Saying “Yes” to One Thing and “No” to Another

You just got your paycheck, and it feels like you have all the money in the world. Five days later, you wonder if you'll make it to your...

Am I Writing for the Reader, or Myself?

When I first imagined the story that became The Pride of Central, it was only a story for myself. I was picturing a summer league...

"So, How Do You Feel?"

“I'm fine.” It's the most common lie in our society. So often we are asked how we feel, or how things are going. It is so easy to say...

What you didn't write

When I write about a team sport for a newspaper or a website, I try to mention as many players on both the winning and losing teams. I do...

Courage Revisited

A few weeks back, I tried to get some feedback on what “courage” means to different people, mostly because I'm not sure what my...

You didn't fail

In my career as a sportswriter, or even just in my spare time as a sports fan, few things irk me more than when someone labels a team a...

A scrimmage, or a World Series?

If you watch a Major League baseball game in March, then watch one in October, you are seeing the same sport, correct? Three strikes for...

Courage – What does it look like?

“Bohr's Blog” has mostly been about me sharing my experiences in writing The Pride of Central, hoping that my knowledge might help others...


Like most things in life, inspiration rarely comes on schedule or with a sign letting everyone know that it is coming. Which is just as...


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